Answers about the who, what and how of last res.A.rt.

Short outline:

  • We cross-link artists, art supporter and people interested in art!
  • We provide a platform for artists and art supporter!
  • We provide services for artists, art supporter and people interested in art!
  • We stand up for fair conditions!
  • We are bound to the idea of co-operatives - additional benefits for members instead of extreme profit-orientation!

This service is at no charge. All rights of the creators remain untouched.


This web service is free of charge

You need to register to get content published. Currently the content is controlled and published by the administrator of last res.A.rt. This is necessary to keep the website working. We do not censor anyone, but we have a requirement regarding the artistic merits.

Of course there exists always the possibility for anyone to support us financially, e.g. by a small one-digit provision in case we could help selling a work of art.

We believe in confidence and good faith

This world has degenerated to either not believe in anything or trust only in written lengthy contracts. This doesn't help anyone, make life more complicated and only leads to conflicts. We want to start over again with confidence and good faith. We believe that most people are honest and trustworthy. There will always exist some others, but they are not the majority.

We stand up for fair conditions

More and more it is to notice, that financial risks are shifted completely to the artist. It is not any more the commission and provision game, where all parties shared the risk. We want to go back to the roots. Hosts, gallery owners, organizers should cover their expenses by provisions in case of selling works of art, which are agreed with the artist. Artists should not be obliged to pay in advance for exhibitions, concerts and so forth. Remember, they have paid already with time, sweat and money in advance to create their works of art.


Here we are neither at Click&Buy, nor at faster ways to live not. We make connections. For purchasable works exists a link to the point of sale platform, which is already used by the artist. If the artist has no sale platform, contact data can be exchanged via a preconfigured E-Mail. Thus more details can be negotiated using telephone, Skype, Facetime or whatever is appropriate. Which includes the meanwhile often unattended possibility, to get to know a litte bit about the artist.






Legal in charge for running this website:

Michael Lindenau
Lehnstrasse 104b

CH-9014 St. Gallen, Schweiz